Welcome to the Amputee Coalition of BC blog!

Empowerment is the first step!

We at the Amputee Coalition of British Columbia realize that an amputation, for whatever reason, is a serious event. You, and those who care, will undoubtedly have concerns and questions. ACBC members know what you are going through and can help.

Your life has changed (or is about to change), but with the information, support and education that the ACBC has available, you will be empowered to take on your new challenges with the appropriate tools.

We invite you to contact us regarding any questions and issues you might have, schedule a Peer Visit from a trained Peer Visitor, understand your rights and responsibilities and join the ACBC to help improve the lives of amputees and more!

Remember, although you may be experiencing a different world, that doesn't mean that there has to be a world of difference.

Saturday, October 19, 2013


Hello everyone!

We have two exciting invitations to pass along!

One we are invited to attend the POABC (Prosthestists & Orthotists Association of BC) meeting on Nov. 16th and join them for a light lunch!

This will be a great way for us to connect with the people who make our limbs, see what's happening with PharmaCare, and more.  This will be held at the Royal Oak Boardroom on Wayburne Rd at the BCIT campus and we can join them at 11:30 fo an hour.

Please RSVP me at:  acbc.org@gmail.com to confirm your attendance.

Hope to see you there!

Secondly there is a research study outlined below.  Contact Bita if you are interested & have fun!

Project Title:   The Effect of Video Gaming Programs for Improving Function in Older Adults with a Single-leg Below-knee or Above-knee Amputation


Principal investigator:           William C Miller PhD, FCAOT         

Department of Occupational Therapy and Occupational Science, UBC

Co-investigators:                   Heather Finlayson BSc, MD, FRCPC

Dept. of Medicine, Division of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, UBC

                                                Linda McLaren BSR(PT), GF Strong Rehab Centre

                                                Bita Imam, BSc, PhD Trainee, UBC

Johanne Mattie, MASc

British Columbia Institute of Technology

This study is sponsored by Amputee Coalition of Canada.

Letter of Invitation

Dear Sir/Madam,

We are writing this letter to invite you to participate in a research study that is being carried out at GF Strong Rehab Centre. The study is investigating the use of a home-based video gaming program for rehabilitation in older individuals (50 years old and older) with a mature (more than 1 year post amputation), single-leg, below knee or above knee amputation.

You are a potential subject for this study because you have a mature single-leg below knee or above knee amputation and you are 50 years old or older. The study will involve the use of either the Wii Big Brain or Nintendo Wii Fit Plus at GF Strong as well as at your home for a period of 4 weeks. As part of the study, you will be asked to complete various tests of your function, including walking ability, brain function, walking while talking, etc. 

A stipend will be provided to cover travel and parking costs.

If you wish to participate, please contact Bita Imam at 604-737-6311 or Bita.Imam@vch.ca


William C Miller PhD, FCAOT